

RobLight’s Fibre Optic Lighting is fantastic for creating bespoke lighting installations.
Whether it is a stunning interior chandelier or a beautiful landscape feature, fibre optics is the go-to choice.

Harnesses materials are durable and carry no electricity so they can be housed in wet and restricted environments where more standard sources of light would simply not work.
Tails can even be buried in the ground, underwater or embedded in walls, allowing Fibre Optics to be used just as well externally as they can internally.

The flexibility of harness construction allows infinite versatility in guiding light to a large number of end points with precision and intensity.
Only the remote light generator requires maintenance so Fibre Optics are ideal where accessibility would be an issue.

We can manufacture bespoke fixtures to your design and work hand-in-hand with you to bring your most creative schemes to life.

As we like to say “Of Course, It is possible”.

200 Aldersgate

Chandelier with 560 acrylic rods

Location: London
Lighting Design: Morey Smith
Photo: Greg Townsend


‘Grass-skirt’ chandelier comprising 4,000 metre long cracked side-glow glass fibre

Location: London
Lighting Design: Cory Berhost 

Royal Academy of Music

Location: London
Lighting Design: Ulrike Brand Licht
Photo: Adam Scott

Sophie’s Steakhouse

Fibre optics with acrylic tear drops

Location: Covent Garden
Lighting Design: Kate Wilkins
Photo: Julian Abrams 


St Helen’s Square

140 fibre optics ‘Reeds’ varying in height

Location: London
Lighting Design: Studio Fractal
Photo: Greg Townsend

Acrylic Pyramids

Location: London
Lighting Design: Antonio Arevalo and Mauricio Elorriaga
Photo: Kate Davis

LIGHT \TRACE No. 10- Park by ATARA design

Location: Germany, Ingolstadt 

Lighting Design:  Heike Stuckstedde

Photograph: Gudrun Barenbrock 





LIGHT \TRACE No. 9- by ATARA design 

Location: Austria, Vienna

Lighting Design:  Heike Stuckstedde

Photograph: ATARA design 


WILD \LIGHT No. 1 by ATARA design 

Location: Austria, Vienna

Lighting Design:  Heike Stuckstedde

Photograph: ATARA design 


LIGHT \TRACE No. 2- by ATARA design

Location: Austria, Vienna

Lighting Design:  Heike Stuckstedde

Photograph: ATARA design 



Lighting Design:  Anke Neumann


Fusion of wall lamp and picture

Lighting Design:  Anke Neumann